This Is How You Should Lose Weight, According to Your Body Type

People tend to fall in to one of three different body types: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph

Ectomorphs usually have small frames and little body fat, mesomorphs have medium frames, develop muscle easily and lose weight easily and endomorphs have large frames and a curvy body shape.

And now top nutritionist Terri-Ann Nunns has revealed that knowing which of these body types you fit under could in fact help you maximise weight loss.


What does an ectomorph look like?

Ectomorphs tend to be naturally lean and have a fast metabolism, according to Terri-Ann.

She said: "Having a body type that’s defined as an ectomorph means that physically your appearance is small, thin and lean.

"You have a very fast metabolism and find it difficult to gain weight because of this.

"Having a fast metabolism means that calories are burnt at a much a quicker rate compared to those with a steady or slow metabolism – meaning you may find it difficult to maintain or gain weight. "Essentially, these are the type of people that seem to be able to eat for England, but never gain weight."

What should an ectomorph eat?

Ectomorphs should focus on foods high in carbs and proteins.

Terri-Ann says: "If this sounds like you, you really need to ensure that your calorie intake is substantial enough to ensure your body is being fuelled with the energy that it needs.

"Eating foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as wholegrain pasta and brown rice, will help to increase your calorie intake but still consist of a healthy balanced diet.

"Protein should also be a key part of any ectomorphs diet such as lean meats and eggs as it will help to build muscle mass, something that this body type typically lacks.

Best exercise for ectomorphs:
Muscle building workouts such as weight training and squats that will help to contribute to building muscle mass.

Famous ectomorphs:
Keira Knightly and Karlie Kloss.


What does a mesomorph look like?

The best of both worlds, mesomorphs are somewhere in the middle of ectomorphs and endomorphs.

Terri-Ann says: "A mesomorph is someone who has a physical description that would be described as naturally athletic – meaning they have a fairly large bone structure and large muscles.

"If you have this body type, you’ll find it fairly easy to either lose or gain weight – depending on your fitness goals.

"It’s essentially the perfect body type for building and maintain muscle as they are naturally strong and gain muscle and fat much easier than other body types."

What should a mesomorph eat?

Mesomorphs should eat a diet high in complex carbs such as wholegrains and beans as well as lean protein.

Terri-Ann says: "In terms of your diet if you’re a mesomorph, essentially the basic principle is to follow a healthy balanced diet that is slightly higher in carbohydrates.

"Your body will respond well when you fuel it with healthy foods and the mesomorph’s high tolerance for carbohydrates and turning them into fuel means you can eat them much more regularly and feel benefits.

"Try to eat a diet high in complex carbs such as wholegrains, beans and vegetables, lean protein such as lentils, white fish and Greek yoghurt and also healthy fats such as avocados and nuts."

Best exercise for mesomorphs:
Weight training and cardio workouts are advised to keep healthy and you’ll find you see results quite quickly.

Famous mesomorphs: Gigi Hadid, Jennifer Lawrence and Irina Shayk.


What does an endomorph look like?

People with the endomorph body type tend to naturally have higher percentages of body fat.

Terri-Ann says: "An endomorph is someone who is typically described as quite ‘stocky’.

"This means they are quite rounded in their appearance, gain fat quite easily and have a slow metabolism, meaning they find it hard to lose weight.

"This slow metabolism is often a key factor in weight gain as an endomorph may struggle to keep weight at bay and is the type of person that feels as though they simply look at a slice of cake and gain 10lbs!"

What should an endomorph eat?

Endomorphs should tried to avoid refined carbs like white bread and instead focus on lean protein, fruit and veg.

"It’s wise to avoid a diet that is really high in foods that contribute to further to weight gain including refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pasta, and foods high in sugar and fat," Terri-Ann says.

"Instead, opt for a diet that is high in good fats, lean protein and fruit and vegetables."

Best exercise for endomorphs:
Exercise should be focused more on cardio to help speed up your metabolism, but weight training can also help with this – so try to balance your workouts to help turn fat into muscle

Famous endomorphs:
Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez and Kate Winslet.

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