How to Get Rid of Skin Pigmentation

Skin pigmentation is a phenomenon caused by the production of melanin in the skin cells. Depending on how much or how little it is produced you can suffer from hyper or hypo-pigmentation. The beauty saloons come with a variety of skin treatments but in most cases, they are very expensive and the result is not always the desired one.

Apart from the melanin imbalance, there are other factors that influence the pigmentation of the skin: stress, sun overexposure, hormonal imbalance or improper diet.Fortunately, natural remedies are the best solution in treating this skin problem as they are safe and very effective.

1.Mint leaves
Mint has healing and anti-inflammatory properties, being a strong ally in the fight against skin pigmentation.

All you need to do it grind up to 10 leaves of mint so that you squeeze their juice, then pad the remedy with a cotton ball on your skin. Let the treatment action up to 15 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. For better results, follow the procedure daily.

Potato is a rich source of vitamin C, iron and riboflavin, nutrients that will bleach the skin and eliminate the dark spots from your skin.

Prepare a remedy by mixing the juice obtained from half of potato with 1 tsp of fuller’s earth. Apply the resulting paste on your skin and repeat the process on a daily basis.

3.Vitamin E and castor oil
If vitamin E makes your skin smoother, castor oil prevents it from pigmentation, thanks to the omega 3 fatty acids it contains.

In a bowl pour the vitamin E oil from 6 capsules then add 1 tsp of castor oil. Spread the oil mixture on your skin and let it action for 15 minutes. Remove the oil from your face by using a cloth previously soaked in tepid water. Follow the procedure every day.

4.Oatmeal, tomato and yogurt
Oatmeal is generally used as a scrub to tone the skin, whereas the high level of lycopene in tomatoes protects the skin from the action of UV rays. Yogurt, on the other hand, has bleaching properties, managing to restore the natural light of the skin.

Combine the juice from 1 tomato with 2 tbsp. of oatmeal and ½ tsp of yogurt. Apply the resulting mask on your skin and let it action for 20 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. Repeat the procedure 3 times a week.

5.Orange, lemon, fuller’s earth and carrot
All these ingredients contain nutrients that ensure your skin its tonicity, smoothness and natural color.

Blend 1 carrot together with 1 orange then add to the composition 1 tsp of each fuller’s earth and lemon juice. Spread this paste on your skin and wait for 10 minutes before removing it with tepid water. Repeat the procedure two times a week.

6.Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is famous for its astringent properties, which improve the coloration of the skin.

Mix 1 tsp of ACV with 1 tsp of water and spread the remedy over the affected area, letting it rest for 3 minutes. Eventually wash your skin with tepid water. Use this remedy as a cleanser on a daily basis.

7.Honey, lemon juice and fuller’s earth
Since lemon juice contains high quantities of vitamin C, honey moisturizes the skin in depth and fuller’s earth has healing properties, combining them will restore the beauty of your skin.

Prepare a paste by mixing 1 tsp of each honey, lemon juice and fuller’s earth and spread it over your skin, leaving it action for 5 minutes. Rinse you skin with tepid water and repeat the procedure two times a week.

Strawberries are a delicious fruit, but they are also very healthy not only for your system but also for your skin, as they help you reduce the pigmentation.

You can combine strawberries with lemon juice as follows: 2-3 tbsp. of strawberry pulp and 1 tbsp. of lemon juice. Spread the resulting paste on the pigmented area and let action until it gets dry. Remove
with tepid water.

Another way of using strawberries is by combining 2-3 mashed fruits with 1 tsp of honey. Cover the affected skin with the mask and let it rest for 15 minutes. Eventually wash your skin with water.

You can also mix ¼ cup of each yogurt, banana and mashed strawberries together with 1 tbsp. of honey and apply the composition on your skin. Let the remedy sit for 15 minutes then remove it with tepid water.

9.Lemon juice and turmeric
The bleaching properties of lemon juice and the anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ones of turmeric will make the perfect combination to fight against skin pigmentation.

Mix 1 tsp of each turmeric powder and lemon juice and apply the resulting composition on your skin. Let it action for 15 minutes, then remove it with cold water. Repeat the procedure two times a week.

10Milk and orange
Combining orange which is rich in vitamin with milk which has bleaching properties, will make the perfect remedy to fight the skin pigmentation.

Prepare a paste by mixing 1 tbsp. of orange peel powder with 1 tbsp. of raw milk. Apply the paste on your skin and let it sit for 15 minutes before removing it with tepid water. Following this process two times a week will provide you with amazing results.

11.Milk cream and almonds
Milk cream is rich in lactic acid and vitamin C, two ingredients that support the natural bleaching of the skin, and almonds contain natural fatty acids which moisture the skin.

In the evening put 1 cup of almonds in water and let them soak overnight. The following morning, remove the skin and blend them. Mix the resulting paste with 2 tbsp. of milk cream, then apply the resulting composition on the affected area. Wait for the remedy to action for 15 minutes, then wash your skin with tepid water. Repeat 3 times a week.

12.Honey and mustard seed
Honey makes your skin smoother whereas mustard seeds act like a scrub, leaving your skin brighter and shinier.

Grind 1 tsp of honey together with 1 tsp of milk and 1 tbsp. of mustard seeds. Add to this paste 1 tbsp. of fuller’s earth, then apply it on your skin. Let it sit until it gets dry, then wash it off with warm water.

Avocado has bleaching and healing properties due to the content of fatty acids, vitamin C and oleic acid, helping you have a beautiful skin again.

Mash the content of an avocado and put it on your skin like a mask. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cold water. Repeat several times a week.

14.Guava and banana
Guava has healing and protective properties, whereas bananas are rich in minerals and vitamins, being a natural exfoliator for your skin.

Blend together 1 banana and 1 guava and apply the composition on your skin, leaving it rest for 20 minutes. Eventually, remove the remedy with cold water and make sure you repeat the procedure every two days for better results.

15.Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, helping your skin be young permanently.

Combine 3 tbsp. of Aloe Vera gel with 1 tbsp. of honey and apply the resulting mask on your skin. Let it sit until it gets dry, then rinse it off with tepid water.

Alternatively, you can apply 1 tbsp. of Aloe Vera juice on the affected skin by using a cotton pad. Let the remedy rest for 15 minutes before cleaning your skin with cold water.

You can also combine the Aloe Vera juice (1 tbsp.) with one capsule of vitamin E and spread the resulting remedy on your pigmented skin. After 15 minutes of actioning, rinse your skin with tepid water.

Tips to treat hyperpigmentation

  • Never apply either of these remedies if your skin is not clean of any impurity of makeup.
  • Since they are natural remedies, do not expect to see positive results after the first application. They require up to several weeks.
  • Make sure you remove facial masks only with tepid water.

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