A Thyroid-Boosting Juice Anyone With Inflammation Or Hormone Imbalance Should Drink Once Per Week !!

The thyroid gland is located on the lower part on the neck and has a butterfly shape. It produces highly important hormones for our health, which regulate our temperature, cholesterol levels, menstrual cycle, breathing and heart rate, body weight, muscle strength and the function of our central and peripheral nervous system.

How does the thyroid work?
-This gland is a part of the endocrine system which produces and stores hormones. The main thyroid hormones are called T3 and T4. The hypothalamus in the brain produces the so-called TSH hormone which, when required, tells the pituitary gland to release the T3 and T4 hormones.

-When these levels are low, the pituitary produces TSH in order to regulate the function of the thyroid hormones. However, when the levels of these hormones are high, the pituitary gland stops releasing the TSH hormone, effectively slowing down the thyroid.

-There are two types of thyroid disorders – hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (an over-active thyroid). Hypothyroidism causes symptoms such as joint pain, heavy menstrual periods, insomnia, dry skin, depression, fatigue and sensitivity to cold.

-On the other hand, hyperthyroidism can cause sudden weight loss, hair loss, anxiety, trembling, anxiety, light menstrual periods, excessive sweating and sensitivity to high temperatures.

-In general, doctors treat hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine (taken orally), but the condition often goes misdiagnosed as the symptoms mimic other ailments. The good news is that there is a natural way of treating it and restoring the health of your thyroid.
Natural remedy against hormonal imbalance

-The recipe we have for you today will restore the balance of your hormones and keep your overall health in check. It contains simple ingredients such as ginger, cranberries, cinnamon and lemon juice, and will definitely improve your overall health. Here’s how to prepare it:

Thyroid-Boosting Juice Recipe:  

  • -1 cup of fresh cranberry juice
  • -½ a tablespoon Ceylon cinnamon
  • -¼ tablespoon lemon juice
  • -¼ tablespoon ginger powder
  • -¼ tablespoon nutmeg powder
  • -¾ tablespoon orange juice
  • -7 cups of filtered water

-It’s simple boil the water in a pot, add the powdered spices and cinnamon, simmer for 20 minutes and remove the pot from the heat. Let it cool down before adding the citrus juices, then stir with a tablespoon and drink the whole amount during the day.

-The vitamin C from the lemon and orange juice contains a lot of antioxidants which can boost your thyroid health, while the cranberries contain a lot of iodine which is great for your thyroid.

-Cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the risk of thyroid problems, while ginger contains a lot of magnesium which can regulate the function of your thyroid.

A Thyroid-Boosting Juice Anyone With Inflammation Or Hormone Imbalance Should Drink Once Per Week !! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Idea